Looking to begin marketing yourself as a musician? Here are the most common tips suggested to become successful!
Once you have created your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, etc), take some time to follow other similar musicians and their fans, because chances are if they like other music similar to yours, they will become a fan of yours as well.
Always respond to comments! Creating connections with followers will result in word of mouth about you and your music, creating more fans.
Follow and reach out to any music industry professionals who may be able to help you get to where you want to be. These could include journalists, bloggers, labels, publishers, managers, agents, etc.
Always ask friends and family for help in getting the word out about you. It may be scary at first, starting to market yourself as a musician. Taking advantage of the support from friends and family will help you in the long run.
Create a website and promote it. It doesn't have to be anything fancy or high maintenance, but giving people a place to go to learn about you and your sound will make your followers feel connected to you. Promote this website by tweeting or blogging about it semi-regularly.
If you have a gig coming up, have contests for prizes such as free tickets or T-shirts. Someone who has never heard of you will probably attend your show if they can go for free, and once seeing you live they are much more likely to become a fan.
Engage with your fans - ask for their feedback. Having conversations and valuing your fans opinions will spread positive word of mouth about you and your music.
Make sure your content is up to date. Don't tweet about your awesome website when you haven't updated it in two years.
Be someone worth following! Stay connected to people and don't send spam to anyone. It won't work.
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